Well Dressed What do we mean by the term, “well dressed” it implies apparel and accessories that work together to create the total look that defines you. That look will differ depending on your destination, but a few unchanging rules are: if you are in business management, or sent to represent the business in a different location, you should avoid frills, lacy, and light pastel colors, and sandals. The skirted suit is still the uniform of the day; if you are not in business management, but still need to choose the right apparel for the occasion, take note: your manner of dress can forestall your promotion, or keep you out of the company, period.
Accessories: earrings should not resemble basketball hoops worn on your ears. They should enhance your overall appearance. According to an attorney, if the hands are cared for, the impression relayed is upper income. Shoes should always be clean, polished, and well heeled. It is practical to put plastic protectors on your expensive shoes before they wear off. Always brush your suede shoes after wearing, and believe it or not patent leather will shine after a dose of Windex spray wiping.
Baggy panty hose are never acceptable, neither are hose with runs. Many of the tenets of well dressing is really common sense practices that are considered old school today, but who owns the company you are working for? Linings should never hang below your hemlines, and yes I am saying it: Underwear should never be seen either through outline form. Nor straps peeking out to say hello Makeup and hair are crucial components of a polished appearance, they will each receive a brief section of their own. Your clothes will look better and keep their shape if they are hanging from soft contour hangers. Of course your dress should be classic. Stylish, not trendy