
Well Dressed What do we mean by the term, “well dressed” it implies apparel and accessories that work together to create the total look that defines you. That look will differ depending on your destination, but a few unchanging rules are: if you are in business management, or sent to represent the business in a different location, you should avoid frills, lacy, and light pastel colors, and sandals. The skirted suit is still the uniform of the day; if you are not in business management, but still need to choose the right apparel for the occasion, take note: your manner of dress can forestall your promotion, or keep you out of the company, period.

Accessories: earrings should not resemble basketball hoops worn on your ears. They should enhance your overall appearance. According to an attorney, if the hands are cared for, the impression relayed is upper income. Shoes should always be clean, polished, and well heeled. It is practical to put plastic protectors on your expensive shoes before they wear off. Always brush your suede shoes after wearing, and believe it or not patent leather will shine after a dose of Windex spray wiping.

Baggy panty hose are never acceptable, neither are hose with runs. Many of the tenets of well dressing is really common sense practices that are considered old school today, but who owns the company you are working for? Linings should never hang below your hemlines, and yes I am saying it: Underwear should never be seen either through outline form. Nor straps peeking out to say hello Makeup and hair are crucial components of a polished appearance, they will each receive a brief section of their own. Your clothes will look better and keep their shape if they are hanging from soft contour hangers. Of course your dress should be classic. Stylish, not trendy

Reshaping the Apple Top:

Wrap around tops create the illusion of a smaller waist. Look for deep V- or scoop neck tops and higher waist bottoms. Straight leg pants will also create a thinner mid-section.

Fashion Tips: Creating the illusion of a slimmer you
All of us at one time want to appear slimmer in some area of our bodies, when those pounds seem to be cemented to your body, don’t despair: utilize the illusion of slimming!

Instant Slimming: What you wear and how you wear your clothes could be adding on extra unwanted pounds.

  Reshaping the “Hourglass Shaped” Figure 

Snug tailored pieces will flatter your hourglass shape. Soft fabrics will drape nicely and compliment your shape. An A-line or pencil skirt with a high waist will lengthen your legs. Dark vertical stripes will slim down your curves.
Reshaping the “Rectangle Shape” Figure Dress to create curves. Tops and jackets
should be tailored around the waist area. Thick belts, flared skirts and peplums will
also give the appearance of a smaller waistline.

Instant Slimming for the “Pear Shape” Figure Draw attention to your upper body. Blouses
should fall two to three inches below your waistband. Puffier wider sleeves will help
broaden the shoulders. Wider legged pants and boot cuts to balance out the pear.
Keep pants and skirts darker such as navy, gray, and black.

Instant Slimming for the “Muffin Top” Figure Wear brighter more colorful fabrics to
accentuate your more favorable features while you are wearing darker solid colors on
the areas you want to camouflage. Try a wrap-around top or try wearing a jacket over
your blouse.


The Golden Rule of Fashion:

The hem of your pants and dresses should fall at the right spot for your height and shape in order to be flattering to your figure.

Looking Taller:

Couple a pair of skinny jeans (narrow at the ankle) with heels instead of flats to add height to your stature.

Styles that Make you Look Older:

Pants that are baggy, too tight, or have front pleats make you look heavier and older. Try pants that have a more tailored look to create the illusion of a younger you. You may also need to skip that little black dress, and opt for navy, olive or grays instead, our skin changes as we age, and
black may be too harsh. Take a photo of yourself in that cute black dress and one of the above-mentioned colors to see which one is right for you.


Accessories draw attention so they should be a moderate size not extremely small or large and coordinate with your outfit.